
Cindy Nicholson

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Working with Executives, we enable our clients to successfully manage change across their organisations and within themselves.

We are passionate about our clients success and once on board with us, you have access to a lifetime of resources and support.

We provide a safe, confidential and trusted space to explore and create new habits, breaking through barriers and limiting beliefs to achieve your goals and realize your true potential.

Cindy is the founder and primary leader of the business and is a world class Executive & Leadership Coach, certified with the International Coach Federation, and held a seat on the board with ICF Australasia for 3 years. (

With a career spanning over 35 years across global AAA rated Investment Banks, Management Consulting, Software Solutions and Telco, in all major global centres. (UK, USA, Japan, and Asia) she is often referred to by her clients as their "Business Psychologist"! She has also braved the world of start-ups having built four companies which have subsequently sold or listed.

Your experience with Cindy will be unique and life changing. She will uncover aspects of yourself you never knew existed and take you on a new journey that will give you empowerment and confidence to conquer any challenge.

Cindy also Mentors start up and scale up companies across Australia, Singapore, UK and Ireland, and empowers people to be the best they can and support their journey to success for the company and themselves.

Named in "The 10 Most Impactful Women in Technology 2021" and as ‘Entrepreneur’ finalist of the ARN Women in ICT Awards recently, Cindy is an internationally recognised thought leader. She is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), an ex-Board Member of the Australian Blockchain Association, an Advisory Board member to several technology companies, from the USA, Ireland and Australia.

We are a Strategic Executive Coaching company who work closely with our clients and partners to enable Individuals and Organisations develop world-class leadership capability.

Our clients are Executives and Leaders in the Financial Services Industry within organisations – either corporates or business owners and entrepreneurs, or simply professionals who are looking for professional development solutions.

We help our clients ensure organisations and individuals are leading with best practice principles that places them in a superior position to their competitors.

We look forward to welcoming you into our community shortly. In the meantime, feel free to hear from our clients.
Visit my profile at LinkedIn